Website Designer|UX/UI Designer

TruEngage™ Creatives

TruEngage™ is a branded ad-skip engagements that give users the option to bypass their pre-roll video. As my role with the TruEngage™ team evolved, I was able to quickly adapt and design to the brand/styles of the various agencies that we proposed designs to (HP, Zappos, and Chevy to name a few).  Not only did designs need to fit brand guidelines, usability and experience is heavily considered to ensure the agencies we work with get the best bang for their buck in terms of user engagement. Because of this, I have also conducted series of A/B testing to ensure that the designs perform well when out in the wild.


TruEngage™ Creatives

TruEngage™ is a branded ad-skip engagements that give users the option to bypass their pre-roll video. As my role with the TruEngage™ team evolved, I was able to quickly adapt and design to the brand/styles of the various agencies that we proposed designs to (HP, Zappos, and Chevy to name a few).  Not only did designs need to fit brand guidelines, usability and experience is heavily considered to ensure the agencies we work with get the best bang for their buck in terms of user engagement. Because of this, I have also conducted series of A/B testing to ensure that the designs perform well when out in the wild. Website

TruEngage™ was one of the arms of Are You a Human that provides branded pre-roll video advertisements to users. Users are prompted to perform a game-like interaction in order to skip their ad rather than wait for a button to pop up. The TruEngage™ brand was born during my time at Are You a Human and it was made clear that the branding had to be separate yet similar to it’s parent.

I was given the opportunity to create a whole new look for the “company,” giving it a sleek and more flashy appearance while showcasing demos and metrics. In this particular case, I had my hand in designing the mockup and providing working examples to the front end engineers; collaborating to create the final product. In addition, I am was in charge of adding or subtracting any changes to the site using my knowledge of HTML, CSS, and a little bit of PHP. I’ve been able to learn more about development in general, working alongside the developers in GitHub and AWS Opswork.